Kumpulan Alamat Google Seluruh Negara

Google adalah salah satu mesin search engine terbesar dan menempati urutan pertama sebagai raksasa dalam dunia search engine. Maka tentu tak asing lagi keberadaan google di tengah tengah kehidupan dunia Luna maya kita. Namun tahukah anda bahwa dalam google itu sendiri terdapat banyak sekali alamat google yang lain selain google.com dan google.co.id

Nah maka dari itu yang suka browsing dan pengen tahu alamat google berdasarkan tempat/negara, kalian bsa mencoba list dibawah ini ..

USA (.com) www.google.com
Afghanistan (.com.af) www.google.com.af
American Samoa (.as) www.google.As
Anguilla (.off.ai) www.google.off.ai
Antigua and Barbuda (.com.ag) www.google.com.ag
Argentina (.com.ar) www.google.com.ar
Armenia (.am) www.google.am
Australia (.com.au) www.google.com.au
Austria (.at) www.google.at
Azerbaijan (.az) www.google.az
Bahrain (.com.bh) www.google.com.bh
Bangladesh (.com.bd) www.google.com.bd
Belgium (.be) www.google.be
Belize (.com.bz) www.google.com.bz
Bolivia (.com.bo) www.google.com.bo
Bosnia and Herzegovina (.ba) www.google.ba
Botswana (.co.bw) www.google.co.bw
Brazil (.com.br) www.google.com.br
British Virgin Islands (.vg) www.google.vg
Bulgaria (.bg) www.google.bg
Burundi (.bi) www.google.bi
Canada (.ca) www.google.ca
Chile (.cl) www.google.cl
China (.cn) www.google.cn
Colombia (.com.co) www.google.com.co
Congo, Democratic Republic of the (.cd) www.google.cd
Congo, Republic of the (.cg) www.google.cg
Cook Islands (.co.ck) www.google.co.ck
Costa Rica (.co.cr) www.google.co.cr
Croatia (.hr) www.google.hr
Cuba (.com.cu) www.google.com.cu
Czech Republic (.cz) www.google.cz
Cote dCase Ivoire (.ci) www.google.ci
Denmark (.dk) www.google.dk
Djibouti (.dj) www.google.dj
Dominica (.dm) www.google.dm
Dominican Republic (.com.do) www.google.com.do
Ecuador (.com.ec) www.google.com.ec
Egypt (.com.eg) www.google.com.eg
El Salvador (.com.sv) www.google.com.sv
Estonia (.ee) www.google.ee
Ethiopia (.com.et) www.google.com.et
Fiji (.com.fj) www.google.com.fj
Finland (.fi) www.google.fi
France (.fr) www.google.fr
Gambia (.gm) www.google.gm
Germany (.de) www.google.de
Gibraltar (.com.gi) www.google.com.gi
Greece (.com.gr) www.google.com.gr
Greenland (.gl) www.google.gl
Guatemala (.com.gt) www.google.com.gt
Guernsey (.gg) www.google.gg
Haiti (.ht) www.google.ht
Honduras (.hn) www.google.hn
Hong Kong (.com.hk) www.google.com.hk
Hungary (.hu) www.google.hu
Iceland (.is) www.google.is
India (.co.in) www.google.co.in
Indonesia (.co.id) www.google.co.id
Ireland (.ie) www.google.ie
Isle of Man (.co.im) www.google.co.im
Israel (.co.il) www.google.co.il
Italy (.it) www.google.it
Jamaica (.com.im) www.google.com.im
Japan (.co.jp) www.google.co.jp
Jersey (.co.je) www.google.co.je
Jordan (.jo) www.google.jo
Kazakhstan (.kz) www.google.kz
Kenya (.co.ke) www.google.co.ke
Kyrgyzstan (.kg) www.google.kg
Latvia (.lv) www.google.lv
Lesotho (.co.ls) www.google.co.ls
Libya (.com.ly) www.google.co.ly
Liechtenstein (.li) www.google.li
Lithuania (.lt) www.google.lt
Luxembourg (.lu) www.google.lu
Malawi (.mw) www.google.mw
Malaysia (.com.my) www.google.com.my
Malta (.com.mt) www.google.com.mt
Mauritius (.mu) www.google.mu
Mexico (.com.mx) www.google.com.mx
Micronesia (.fm) www.google.fm
Mongolia (.mn) www.google.mn
Montserrat (.ms) www.google.ms
Morocco (.co.ma) www.google.co.ma
Namibia (.com.na) www.google.com.na
Nepal (.com.np) www.google.com.np
Netherlands (.nl) www.google.nl
New Zealand (.co.nz) www.google.co.nz
Nicaragua (.com.ni) www.google.com.ni
Norfolk Island (.com.nf) www.google.com.nf
Norway (.no) www.google.no
Oman (.com.om) www.google.com.om
Pakistan (.com.pk) www.google.com.pk
Panama (.com.pa) www.google.com.pa
Paraguay (.com.py) www.google.com.py
Peru (.com.pe) www.google.com.pe
Philippines (.com.ph) www.google.com.ph
Pitcairn (.pn) www.google.com.pn
Poland (.pl) www.google.pl
Portugal (.pt) www.google.pt
Puerto Rico (.com.pr) www.google.com.pr
Qatar (.com.qa) www.google.com.qa
Romania (.ro) www.google.ro
Russia (.ru) www.google.ru
Rwanda (.rw) www.google.rw
Saint Helena (.sh) www.google.sh
San Marino (.sm) www.google.sm
Saudi Arabia (.com.sa) www.google.com.sa
Senegal (.sn) www.google.sn
Seychelles (.sc) www.google.sc
Singapore (.com.sg) www.google.com.sg
Slovakia (.sk) www.google.sk
Slovenia (.si) www.google.si
South Africa (.co.za) www.google.co.za
South Korea (.co.kr) www.google.co.kr
Spain (.es) www.google.es
Sri Lanka (.lk) www.google.lk
St.Vincent and the Grenadines (.com.vc) www.google.com.vc
Sweden (.se) www.google.se
Switzerland (.ch) www.google.ch
Taiwan (.com.tw) www.google.com.tw
Tajikistan (.com.tj) www.google.com.tj
Thailand (.co.th) www.google.co.th
The Bahamas (.bs) www.google.bs
Tonga (.to) www.google.to
Trinidad and Tobago (.tt) www.google.tt
Turkey (.com.tr) www.google.com.tr
Turkmenistan (.tm) www.google.tm
U.S. Virgin Islands (.co.vi) www.google.co.vi
Uganda (.co.ug) www.google.co.ug
Ukraine (.com.ua) www.google.com.ua
United Arab Emirates (.ae) www.google.ae
United Kingdom (.co.uk) www.google.co.uk
Uruguay (.com.uy) www.google.com.uy
Uzbekistan (.co.uz) www.google.co.uz
Venezuela (.co.ve) www.google.co.ve
Vietnam (.com.vn) www.google.com.vn
Zambia (.co.zm) www.google.co.zm

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